Methane Detection
How it works
The Laser Falcon uses TDLAS-tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy. The methane detector emits the laser beam and measures the reflected energy. When the laser hits a methane cloud, energy is absorbed, and the sensor registers the presence of methane.
The Laser Falcon sensor is designed for airborne use and needs to be mounted on the UAV along with the SkyHub onboard computer. The SkyHub onboard computer records the sensor readings and GPS coordinates with high precision, making it possible to build accurate methane emission maps and develop precise work orders for field teams. Drones help significantly reduce the area for on-foot inspection and make it at least 3 times faster.
The system with Laser Falcon can be used for different types of inspection, like gas facilities, pipelines, and landfills
The main task for the Laser Falcon kit is screening; this tool can’t be used for methane quantification.
Screening is an activity of locating methane emission sources and ranging them by relative intensity for further analysis. Quantification determines an emission rate, such as mass or volume per time. This can be done directly through measurement of the emissions or indirectly through estimations, calculations, and modelling.